While steeped in history that began in 1851, the modern day Ottawa Curling Club is all about its members.
We strive to provide the best playing conditions we can while also providing a nurturing and supportive environment that allows our members to achieve whether they are playing at the highest levels of the sport or volunteering at one of our numerous functions.
Members can curl in numerous leagues, use practice ice and avail themselves of the club lounge and hospitality.
The club also plays host to numerous events and rental leagues, including the weekly Special Olympics curling program and the annual National Blind and Vision Impaired Curling Championships.
Staff and volunteers
The OCC has a professional manager who oversees the day-to-day operation of the club and the five sheets of ice are maintained by a professional ice technician. The club operates a professional kitchen, where meals are prepared by paid kitchen staff, and all servers and bar tenders are employed by the club.
An elected, volunteer Board of Directors sets the policy for the club with member input encouraged. Members also have the opportunity to volunteer with the club throughout the year, in support of many tournaments and events.
No matter your curling skill level or years of experience, the OCC makes you feel at home!