Membership Options

Returning members use the same account to re-register their membership and leagues each year.   Everyone else must click "Sign-Up" to request an account. Once your  your on-line account request has been approved, you may register for membership and request leagues.

  • Leagues are set in September, at the beginning of each season. 
  • Joining a league mid-season is at the discretion of the club.  

Please see Membership and League Fees for the fees for each membership category. 

Returning Members should review the Sign-up Policy for returning teams.

New Members are encouraged to contact the Club Manager for guidance on registering a team-based league.

Primary Member Options

There are 2 primary Categories for Ottawa Curling Club membership:

  1. Full-playing membership (full member fee)
  2. Pay as you play (base membership fee + fee for each league in which you curl)

Members in category 1 or 2 are required to pay additional fees as set by Curling Canada and the Ontario Curling Association, in additional to any other Ottawa Curling Club fees, such as the current Capital Expenditure Assessment (CEA) Fee.

Other Member Options

Fifth-Player / Spare / Practice

The Fifth-Player / Spare / Practice category is referred to as Category 3

Members in Category 3 are required to pay any additional fees assessed by the Ottawa Curling Club, such as the current Capital Expenditure Assessment (CEA) Fee.

This membership confers specific sparing privileges for all regular club leagues (not rentals).

A member in this category can spare up to 3 times each for any team in any regular club league. Additionally, the member can spare an unlimited number of times as a fifth player for one (1) team in one regular league as long as that team already includes at least 4 fully paid members.

More information in our Sparing Policy.

Social Members

The Social membership is a special membership category.  Social members are not Class B Preference shareholders and cannot vote at Ottawa Curling Club meetings.


Students (with a valid student ID) pay 80% of the fees on category 1 and 2 (20% discount). There is no discount on fees that do not qualify for the student discount.  The OCA fee does not qualify for any discounts.

Students can update their online account profile to indicate their full-time student status, or contact our Club Manager to adjust their registration to correctly apply the discount to qualifying fees.

Member Login

OCC new logo

440 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1W4



Manager: Dalal Abou-Eid

Board of Directors