building hero

Bar & Food

The OCC has a complete bar and nightly food service, making it a great place to grab dinner before heading out on to the ice!

Bar Food

In addition to the menu below, nightly specials are listed by the bar in the lounge.

Bar Tab

OCC members can establish a monthly bar tab, which allows them to leave a credit card number with the club manager to charge both food and beverage to their account. In addition, an automatic gratuity will be added and transferred to the appropriate server. Credit cards will be charged monthly within 7 days of month’s end or you can pay in cash at month’s end so your credit card isn’t charged. If you wish, the club can also place a spending limit on transactions.

For more details, see the club manager.



Schedules are available without logging in, on the main League page.

You must LOGIN in order to access the Member information, including adding yourself to the Free Agent List, and using the Spare List

Member Login

OCC new logo

440 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1W4



Manager: Dalal Abou-Eid