Club Facilities

Practice Ice for members is suspended when regular operations are suspended (ie. it's summer... or a stat holiday...)

Practice ice bookings

Only the club manager can allocate / approve practice ice. Ice booked through anyone other than the club manager will be cancelled.

Due to high demand for practice ice, bookings are for 30 minutes only.

Booking confirmation: Once you book practice ice online, please wait to receive confirmation from the club manager by e-mail. Your ice time is not approved until you receive this confirmation.

Online booking for Members - Login and look for within "Member's Home" at the top Menu Bar, and select "Book Ice Time". 

Book by phone: 613-234-4119

Practice ice guidelines

  1. Regular practice ice can be booked by members for 30 minute periods on weekdays between 12-2pm using the online tool 
  2. You may ask the Club Manager for a longer booking by contacting the Club Manager via direct email.
  3. If you do not require the ice you booked, please inform the club manager so the ice can be made available to others. Continued failure to notify will result in a financial penalty.
  4. Your ice reservation may be cancelled at the discretion of the club manager. In such cases, every effort will be made to give you fair notification and accommodate you at other times.


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440 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1W4



Manager: Dalal Abou-Eid

Board of Directors