League Sign-up Policy

Points system for late registrations

  • The Match Committee will use an expanded points system in their consideration of teams who have applied to curl in the upcoming season. While final decisions will rest heavily on the discretion of the Match Committee, the following will be taken into consideration.
    • Returning league team
    • Payment of membership in full (no post dated cheques after the deadline)
    • Returning OCC member
    • Returning league member
    • Team wanting to switch (but not add) leagues
    • Longevity and activity as an OCC member

If any OCC league is over-subscribed for a season, the policy to be accepted into any evening league (Mon-Fri) is as follows:

  • All four registered players from a specific league, in the prior season, returning to that same league – automatic entry
  • Three of four registered players from a specific league, in the prior season, returning to that same league – automatic entry
  • Point system for new teams:
    • Three (3) points per player, if a registered member of that same league in the previous season
    • Two (2) points per player if a registered player in any other OCC league, in the previous season
    • One (1) point per player for any new member
    • The points are totalled and the higher ranked teams get accepted until the league is full.

Finally, all teams must adhere to the OCC's sign-up deadline and payment of fees. (One team member must pay in full to hold the spot)

Board of Directors
Revised June 2022

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440 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 1W4



Manager: Dalal Abou-Eid

Board of Directors